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Deskpro 2022.1.1 - الأخبار / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

نوفمبر 21 2022

Deskpro 2022.1.1

قائمة المؤلفين

The following information summarizes the bug fixes included in the Deskpro 2022.1.1 release.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a Data Sync Issue (user.require_unique_email fixes) (SC 65354).

Fixed an issue where ticket images were marked as temporary when submitted via a specific method (SC 71697).

  • Fixed uploaded images in snippets.

  • Fixed uploaded images in signatures.

Fixed an issue where AD Sync was stuck 'pending' with Paging enabled. And would only sync partially with Paging disabled (SC 55361).

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