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Overview of Publish - قاعدة المعلومات / Getting Started / How-to Videos - Deskpro Support

Overview of Publish

قائمة المؤلفين

You can watch this video for a quick tour of the Publishing Interface in the Deskpro interface. The Publish interface is where you can create, manage, and publish content that is hosted on your end-user-facing Help Center.

You can create and manage 5 different types of Help Center content:

  • Knowledgebase Articles: These are typically used to create quick help articles that provide how-to information or answer FAQs.

  • Guide Pages: Let you create an indexed library of instructional manuals, such as structured information about using a product or service.

  • News Posts: News lets you share point-in-time information with users, so you can communicate time-sensitive information like an announcement, or blog posts.

  • Files: You can host downloadable files for your end-users, organized into categories.

  • Community: A forum area where users can submit questions, feedback, or suggestions, and vote and comment on previous submissions.

Introduction Video:

Further reading:

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