
How do I make clear in email notifications to agent followers that they don't need to respond? - 知识库 / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: How can I show a list of Ticket Followers in an Email Notification?

How do I make clear in email notifications to agent followers that they don't need to respond?


You are browsing the Legacy version of this article. For the current version, see: How can I show a list of Ticket Followers in an email notification?


In the email notification sent to agent, I would like to make it clear to agents who have been added as followers that they have not been assigned the ticket directly, so don't have to answer the email. Can I show a list of followers in an agent email?


Yes, you can edit the email notification templates to show a list of followers. For example:

{% for agent in ticket.getAgentParticipants() %}
- {{ agent.display_name }} ({{ agent.primary_email.email }})<br/>
{% endfor %}

You'd need to add this code to the templates for all the agent notifications where you want followers to be shown.


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