
Ability to view each ticket that used a particular snippet in "snippet reporting" - 反馈 / Feature Request - Deskpro Support


Ability to view each ticket that used a particular snippet in "snippet reporting" Finished

Would it be possible to add links to the snippet reporting feature so we can easily see the tickets where the snippets were used?

Comments (1)

Lauren Cumming
The following report should allow you to do this :) DISPLAY TABLE SELECT OBJ_LANG(ticket_object_use_logs.snippet.category.id, 'text_snippet_categories') AS 'Snippet Category', OBJ_LANG(ticket_object_use_logs.snippet.id, 'text_snippets') AS 'Snippet', COUNT() AS 'Uses' FROM ticket_object_use_logs WHERE ticket_object_use_logs.snippet.id <> NULL AND ticket_object_use_logs.date_created = %1:DATE_GROUP% SPLIT BY ticket_object_use_logs.snippet.id GROUP BY ticket_object_use_logs.ticket.id ORDER BY COUNT() DESC