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How can I take screenshots in Deskpro? - Kiến thức cơ bản / Getting Started / General - Deskpro Support

How can I take screenshots in Deskpro?

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Using screenshots to answer customer questions can be a very quick and efficient way of responding. Deskpro has been designed to make uploading screenshots very easy.

As well as supporting "drag and drop" of images into the agent reply box, Deskpro (unique amongst helpdesks as far as we know) has the ability to copy & paste image data directly into the agent reply box.

Important: pasting images is currently only supported on up-to-date versions of the Chrome and Firefox browsers. Pasting may appear to work in Safari, but the image will not be sent to the user.

If you have software on your computer that can save a screenshot directly to the clipboard on pressing a key (e.g. print screen) then you only need to press CTRL-V in the reply box to upload the image. Taking and adding a screenshot to your ticket reply can be done in two key presses.

For Windows users, we recommend the free software Greenshot for this purpose.

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