Currently you can assign colors to stacked bar graphs but you can’t define a value as a colour.
eg if your three values are SLA values of passing, warning and fail you could set the graph as:
Color 1 = Red
Color 2 = Green
Color 3 = Orange
And on your graph the values that correspond might be
Fail = color 1
Passing = color 2
Warning = color 3
This works fine if there is a value for each SLA state.
However if there were no failed tickets for example the color numbers would change as passing would be promoted to color 1.
Passing = color 1
Warning = color 2
This means bar graphs can be inconsistent and confusing.
With the pie charts you can actually fix the color to the value.
Fail = Red
Passing = Green
Warning = Orange
It would be helpful if this functonality was applicable to bar graphs as well
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