We’ve enhanced the performance of our searching capabilities, improving the quality of results and usability. This applies to the Global Search app, plus message and subject searching in the Ticket Search feature.
We have added exact phrase and partial-term matching, and queries will run ‘and’ searching so all search terms are included in the results. We’ve made these improvements so that finding items in the helpdesk is more straightforward for you and to improve the functionality of our search.
Exact Phrase Matching
You can now use “quotation marks” to return exact matches from search queries. The additional functionality streamlines searching for specific terms in items across the helpdesk in global search and makes locating specific items in Ticket Search more efficient.

Adding quotation marks focuses the search on that exact phrase. Without it, the search would provide you with a list of all items that contain the words ‘changing’ and/or ‘address’. So, the search will only return items that match the phrase ‘changing address’.
We have also made it so your search query will auto-complete exact matching for phrases following the initial quotation marks.
So, if you start typing “Changing address and don’t add trailing quotation marks, it will still be treated as an exact phrase search.
If you complete an exact match by closing off the quotation marks, you can also add additional terms to match against terms that may exist elsewhere in the content. E.g., “Changing address” user would return results that match the phrase ‘Changing address’ exactly but also include ‘user’ in the item.
Partial-Term Matching
We have refined the ability to return partial matches in search. So, when you are searching, if you enter a query, it will return partial matches based on the last term you entered in the search bar.
For example, entering the term Booking Confirm into the search bar would return results for the terms ‘Booking Confirmed’ and ‘Booking Confirmation’, but not with ‘Booked’. Plus, you can stop a partial match from being run by pressing the space bar.
Results include all Search Terms

We have also configured search to enable ‘and’ searching rather than ‘or’, to ensure that results include all of the terms you have entered. This will provide you with answers that are more relevant to your specific query.
For example, a ticket that includes the phrase ‘announcing our latest product updates’ will display if you search for latest product and product updates but not if you search for product support.
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