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Settings to completely hide author, date and/or number of comments from the knowledgebase - Geri Bildirim / Feature Request - Deskpro Support


Settings to completely hide author, date and/or number of comments from the knowledgebase Collecting Feedback

It would be nice to have settings to completely hide author details, publish date and/or the number of comments for each article type. Right now this requires editing a lot of separate templates (this article: contains instructions for removing authors, but many more edits are required to completely remove this information).

For our knowledgebase it feels quite logical to hide this meta information about articles because we often have the same author, the publish date is not relevant (except for news), and the number of comments is always 0 as we do not allow comments. This requires editing a lot of templates (including search results templates).

Yorum (1)

Wendy Lynn
We would like this feature as well

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