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I'm having trouble with images not displaying correctly in emails or articles - Knowledgebase / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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I'm having trouble with images not displaying correctly in emails or articles

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If users are not seeing images you have inserted into emails or articles, there are various possible causes:

1. Your agents are pasting images into messages using a browser that does not support this. Pasting is only supported in up-to-date Firefox & Chrome. In Safari, pasting may seem to work, but the image will be lost. Try using the attach button to add images instead to see if that eliminates the problem.

2. The user's email system is set not to show embedded images. Deskpro does not send images as email attachments; instead it embeds them within the email. Some email clients block the display of embedded images. Check users are not being offered an option to download the embedded images. Their email administrator may need to enable this.

3. Your agents have tried to paste images when using the Publish app (e.g. writing a Knowledgebase article). Pasting images is only supported in ticket replies. When writing an article, you must use the Upload Image button in the editor toolbar.

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