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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.46 - Novinky / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

nov 14 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.46

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We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2023.46. This release includes three new Deskpro Apps, as well as features to enhance navigation and efficiency in the helpdesk. These updates also come alongside some general improvements to product functionality and interface, and several bug fixes.

New Features

Boost team productivity with Deskpro’s newest time-tracking apps

This week we’re introducing three new time-tracking apps: Toggl, Clockify, and Harvest. These new apps will ensure your team can effortlessly monitor and manage timelines more efficiently by creating and handling time logs directly from Deskpro.

Time Tracking Apps Release Notes.png

Pair your favorite time-tracking software with your helpdesk, giving your agents the ability to work more flexibly and minimizing context switching between your tools.

More streamlined Snippet and Macro Category navigation (SC 127718)

Improve your day-to-day efficiency with our latest update where your Snippet and Macro category state will be remembered. This update will enhance your agent experience by automatically directing you back to your last accessed category, streamlining your workflow, and improving efficiency by reducing the need to navigate through the menu time and time again.

Snippet Macro UX Improvement.png

This feature is a significant time-saver, especially if you frequently use Snippets or Macros from a single category as it will help you seamlessly navigate the menu saving you time with every action.

✨ More easily navigate directly to a ticket using the Reference Code in the URL (SC 108454).

Ref Code URL.png

Now you can use either the Ticket ID or Ref Code to share or access a ticket, doing so will direct you to the ticket in the agent interface.

✨ For On-Premise, we’ve improved the omnichannel experience by enabling search against message content for Forwards and Social Channels (including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Apple Store, and Trustpilot Reviews), in addition to the existing Email and Note message searching. Note that you will need to re-populate your elastic search index to search against historical data (SC 113710).

Latest Improvements

💅 We’ve extended the search for Community Topics on the merging menu to include Topic Title to improve agent efficiency when actioning Community Topics (SC 130738).

💅 When a User updates a ticket from the Help Center with an attachment, the attachment will show on the ticket in the agent interface (SC 124198).

💅 We have improved the security of the dp_last_lang and dp__v cookies on the Deskpro Help Center (SC 128284).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Restored the Edit this page links on the Help Center, now if you’re looking at a piece of Help Center content and are an agent you will be able to use the button to navigate to the item in the agent interface (SC 126421).

🐛 Restored the ability to save an unpublish date when creating Help Center items (SC 106858).

🐛 Fixed an issue where the My Tickets table settings were only changeable for the helpdesk’s default brand (SC 128237).

🐛 We fixed an issue where the Save and Discard buttons on Help Center items would appear enabled even if there have been no edits (SC 103249).

🐛 Fixed an issue where the quality of uploaded images would be reduced by the TinyMCE Editor (HTML) (SC 124512).

🐛 Added handling for the Ticket Channel API response to catch any connection problems (SC 110452).

🐛 Fixed an issue where deleting a widget from a report would stop scheduled and already processed reports loading (SC 122505).

🐛 Restored the ability to create a new Report on a Dashboard for Reports Admins (SC 118646).

🐛 We have updated the Set Organization Trigger to prevent users’ organization from being incorrectly changed if they are CC’d on a ticket associated with an organization they don’t belong to (SC 128659).

🐛 Restored the display of Phone Number Targets on the Voice menu in admin (SC 127127).

🐛 We have fixed an issue where Ticket displays would error on the Android and iOS apps (SC 132015).

🐛 We have restored the ability to reorder or remove the Trigger action Send agent email (SC 127782).

🐛 Fixed an issue where using the Discard Customization button on modified Email Templates would result in an error (SC 129760).

🐛 Fixed an issue impacting searching by keyword when a ticket doesn’t contain an attachment (SC 131846).

🐛 Restored the display of Pending Tickets in My Stars to ensure the ticket count is accurate (SC 131875).

🐛 Fixed an intermittent issue where the Ticket Preview menu would show the incorrect ticket (SC 131147).

🐛 We fixed an issue where an incorrect count was being reported against custom data for Parent and Child hierarchies (SC 50889).

🐛 Stopped numbers being duplicated on the call dial pad when searching for users (SC 128645).

🐛 Fixed an issue with a report based on date range excluding the last day of the month because it was counting tickets that had been merged separately (SC 128137).

🐛 When content is added to the reply box of a ticket from a custom app it will now show the ticket reply box as expanded when accessing the ticket (SC 129873).

🐛 Fixed an issue where errors would display and stop you from accessing the reply box for WhatsApp and SMS messages (SC 132663).

🐛 Relative date format is now available for the User and Agent Waiting Time (SC 129560).

🐛 Fixed an issue where the Community Topics status update block on the Help Center homepage would display updates incorrectly (SC 130757).

🐛 We restored the ability to add search words when creating a Guide Page (SC 88803).

🐛 Fixed an issue with tables in reports not auto-shrinking to fit smaller screens (SC 97604).

🐛 We restored the ability to send inbound and outbound messages via WhatsApp (SC 132830).

🐛 Fixed an issue with being unable to edit a holiday date and the wrong holiday year displaying while editing (SC 109015).

🐛 We have fixed an issue where the new Ticket form would not be auto-populated with an Organization when opened from a User’s Profile that is associated with an Organization (SC 132499).

🐛 We restored the padding on the edit link popup (SC 130780).

🐛 Fixed an issue with the group by bubbles flashing when counts are updated (SC 130913).

🐛 Fixed an issue where the Comments workflow in the Help Center component wouldn’t load (SC 130605).

🐛 Fixed an issue with the mobile app layout for users with larger screens (SC 116575).

🐛 Updated the Teamviewer app to fix an issue with authorization tokens expiring too quickly (SC 115028).

Patch Release 2023.46.1

🐛 We have fixed an issue where Help Center items were not being returned in search results via the Agent Interface (SC 133757).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.11.1

We are also delighted to announce version 2.11.0 of the On-Premise Controller. This version includes a bug fix that improves administrator experience.

Latest Improvements

💅 Add the ability to select which link to use for federated login to the OPC from an instance (SC 133142).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Add a user with the UID and GID as the Deskpro PHP user if it doesn't already exist (SC 130164).

🐛 Gracefully handle missing email on the agent login token page (SC 132727).

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