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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.29 - Novinky / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

júl 18 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.29

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We are delighted to announce to you the latest release of Deskpro Horizon, 2023.29. This update includes bug fixes and improvements to the product which aim to improve your productivity and user experience.

Latest Improvements

💅Added Welsh translation for Help Center (SC 118287).

💅 Changed the position of the run buttons for applying Macros in tickets. They now display in the row when hovering over it in the list, as opposed to in the preview. You can now also use your keyboard to navigate this list and select your desired run option (SC 110334).

💅 Improved the user experience of using the CSV importer with added loading indicators, the ability to cancel imports, and a fix to autocomplete being triggered unwantedly (SC 108962).

💅Added a tooltip to the category paths of Articles in the dropdown for Global Search results (SC 112165).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Allow Brands to be attached to a User via our CSV importer as long as the column contains a match for an existing Brand's name, slug or ID (SC 112316).

🐛 Stopped HTML in code blocks being rendered instead of being presented in its raw form in Help Center content (SC 102074).

🐛 Fixed the formatting of date, date&time and currency fields in Ticket change notification emails (SC 113609).

🐛 Improved our support for repositioning images by dragging and dropping in the text editor (SC 97853).

🐛 Fixed a bug which would make it difficult to edit the position field on a User's CRM profile (SC 111346).

🐛 Fixed an error where the User was not properly identified on a missed chat if they weren't logged in beforehand (SC 117727).

🐛 Fixed a phrase typo in one of our default Help Center templates (SC 110068).

🐛 Improved the logic which decides the reply box channel tab which should be opened by default when you first open a ticket (SC 85424).

🐛 Fixed an issue which caused the billing tab on a ticket to disappear when pausing the billing timer (SC 115285).

🐛 Updated outdated phrases in Help Center error templates (SC 106488).

🐛 We have resolved issues with XML error messages showing incorrectly in the SMS and Voice logs in Admin (SC 116256).

🐛 Made it easier to differentiate between your phone numbers by returning the nickname of enabled outbound phone numbers to the dial pad in agent if present (SC 105191).

🐛 Fixed the ability to re-enable Voice numbers after they have been disabled in Admin (SC 118402).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.7.2

We are pleased to share the latest version of the OPC, which includes some improvements and bug fixes to improve the administrative experience of Deskpro’s On-Premise Controller.


💅 Show a post-import interstitial screen to confirm certain settings and configurations after an import (SC 116558).

Bug fixes

🐛  Provide more context about why the OPC system service may fail to start during initialization (SC 118154).
🐛   Add a command to manually clear a job in progress manually from the OPC database if the WebGUI has not cleared it automatically (SC 118441).

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