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I'm having trouble changing the order of messages displayed on a ticket - Databáza znalostí / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: Changing the order of Messages on a Ticket

I'm having trouble changing the order of messages displayed on a ticket

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I want to change the chronological order that messages are displayed on a ticket, from newest at the top to newest at the bottom. I change the setting, but why does nothing happen?



There are settings which affect this order in two places:

  • the agent interface Preferences (for that agent only)

  • the admin interface Admin > Tickets > Settings > Ticket Defaults > Ticket View (which changes the default setting for all agents).

If you have changed the setting in the admin interface and it is not changing the order in the desired agent account, change it in the Preferences as well.

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