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New Feature: Auto-save New Tickets - News / Product - Deskpro Support

nov. 19 2015

New Feature: Auto-save New Tickets

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There's nothing more annoying than losing work because your browser crashed, or, still worse, because you accidentally closed the wrong tab, so you can't even blame the browser.

We hate that too. DeskPRO already automatically saves anything you type in the ticket reply box. Now, we've eliminated another potential frustration by adding automatic saving of your work while you're creating a ticket.

It's very simple to use: if you're creating a new ticket and something happens (whether that's your browser crashing, accidentally closing the browser tab that DeskPRO's open in, or accidentally closing the ticket tab within DeskPRO), just use New Ticket and you can carry on where you left off.

If you decide that you want to abandon what you've typed and start again, you'll notice that there's a Discard Draft button that will delete the ticket contents.



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