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Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.15 - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

abr. 11 2024

Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.15

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We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2024.15. This release includes several bug fixes that will enhance Deskpro’s functionality and improve the agent and admin experience.

Bug Fixes

🐛 On the Ticket History tab, updates to previous built-in fields Category, Priority, Product, and Workflow will now be visible (SC 144295).

🐛 In cases where a ticket is reassigned by automation to a department that you do not have permission to view, the ticket will be inaccessible without needing a refresh (SC 137034).

🐛 We have resolved an issue where saving Guides would corrupt the markdown formatting for text and images (SC 147146).

🐛 Resolved a bug that caused an agent's signature to be sent when creating a ticket with no messages in the Agent interface if the agent had a signature set (SC 146699).

🐛 We have fixed a problem where signatures on inbound emails via Outlook were being added as attachments (SC 128439).

🐛 Corrected an issue where timezone differences affected date fields, leading to incorrect dates being displayed on Ticket Lists (SC 142798).

🐛 Updated the “Forever” time limit option for reopening resolved tickets. This option now represents a significantly longer duration compared to other choices (SC 145440).

🐛 Removed undefined fields that previously appeared in the Admin’s Snippets menu (SC 139822).

🐛 Chats being ended is now detectable, which enables you to take actions based on when a Chat ends, i.e. automatically resolving a Chat using a Trigger (SC 148385).

🐛Addressed an issue where Private Tasks created by automation were not visible to the assignee in the Ticket History log (SC 145267).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.16.1

We are also delighted to announce the latest version of the OPC, 2.16.1.

Latest Improvements

💅 Allow setting of the index fields limit from the web GUI (SC 148539).

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