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How do I reset an admin password in Deskpro On-Premise? - Base de Conhecimento / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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How do I reset an admin password in Deskpro On-Premise?

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For security reasons, you must use the command line to reset the password for admins. You can also reset agent account passwords using this method.

Use this command to get a list of the agents and admins defined in the helpdesk:

php /path_to_deskpro/bin/console dp:agents


where "path_to_deskpro" is the path to the folder where you installed Deskpro.


To reset the password for an agent or admin, use this command:

php /path_to_deskpro/bin/console dp:agents reset-password


You will be prompted to enter the email address of the agent you wish to reset the password for, then to supply a password.

Note that passwords you set using this tool do not have to follow any agent password policy you have set.

Depending on how Deskpro was installed on your server, the path will differ. If you are not sure where Deskpro is installed, we have some default paths here:

Using the pre-installed VM or automated linux installer: /usr/share/nginx/html/deskpro

Default path on Windows: C:\DeskPRO\DeskPRO\

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