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Add Agents to your Helpdesk - Base de Conhecimento / Getting Started - Deskpro Support

Add Agents to your Helpdesk

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Now that you have some departments in your helpdesk, you need to add some of your staff to the helpdesk as Agents.

Agents are accounts within Deskpro that can be used to interact with your helpdesk. Before adding individuals as Agents it’s a good idea to give them a heads up that they will be receiving an email notifying them of their new Deskpro account.

To add a new Agent to your helpdesk go to Admin > Agents > Agent Profiles. Click on the + New button which will open a new Agent window where you can enter the account properties for the Agent you want to create.

You can also Bulk Add Agents, you do this by clicking on the dropdown from the + New button and selecting Bulk Add.

You can bulk add Agents by listing the email addresses of all the individuals you want to add as Agents or by importing them by uploading a CSV spreadsheet containing their information.

When you create a new Agent account for someone, they receive an email notification with their login details and a copy of our Agent Quickstart Guide.

By default, when an Agent is created they will have all Permissions enabled, this can be changed through their Agent Permission settings, for more information read Agent Permissions.

For more detail on creating and managing Agents refer to the Agents section of the Admin Guide.

Or read the next article in Getting Started on Linking your Communication Channels to your helpdesk.

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