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Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.1 - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

jan. 3 2024

Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.1


Happy New Year! We're excited to start the year off with the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2024.1.2. This latest version includes new features, some improvements to the interface and functionality, and several bug fixes.

New Features

Improved Call Recording access permissions for Deskpro Voice (SC 132598).

These additional permissions provide more flexibility, letting you manage access using the following Agent Permission levels:

  • Agents who can listen to all recordings

  • Agents who can only listen to call recordings of calls they handled

  • Agents who cannot listen to any recordings

These changes enable you to better customize your voice permissions according to organizational needs and policies. For example, you may wish to limit access to call recordings to the agents and teams who participated in those calls to maintain privacy (SC 132598).

✨ We introduced the following options to Ticket Templates to enhance the process of using templated tickets (SC 134529 & 135438):

  • Organizations - Admins can add a specific organization to the template, or if no Organization is selected, the created ticket has no organization set.

  • Set Current Agent as Follower - This option will set the agent who creates the ticket as a Follower.

✨ We enhanced the Mass Action feature. Now, you can apply a Macro to multiple tickets at once as part of a Mass Action to enable more efficient bulk updates of tickets (SC 30465).

Latest Improvements

💅 We enhanced the functionality of API V2 User calls for GET and DELETE methods. With this update, when using /api/v2/blobs/{authcode}. Now, these methods will accurately track and follow any moves to make data manipulation and tracking smoother and more reliable via the API (SC 133328)

💅 The Send Button language has been updated for Facebook Tickets. To improve clarity, it shows whether your message will be sent as a Public or Private reply for Facebook Comments and Messenger, respectively (SC 134576).

💅 We’ve added support for advanced formatting in Trigger Actions to let you pull custom user data into a text field. For information on using advanced formatting see the guides on Common Email Conversion Code Replacements and Twig Syntax Basics (SC 115216).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Fixed an issue where emails cannot be sent if a CC contains a banned email address (SC 93515).

🐛 Resolved a Messenger issue where longer chat messages were not marked as read (SC 105203).

🐛 We added validation to prevent disallowed File Extensions from being uploaded into custom fields by Agents (SC 130829).

🐛 Fixed an issue where text wouldn’t truncate if it overflowed in a single line custom field and would overlap other fields below it in the form (SC 128840).

🐛 Corrected an issue where hyperlinks would be added to more than the selected text when inserting a link into a ticket message (SC 135329).

🐛 Resolved an issue where a popup for unsaved changes would incorrectly appear when the changes had been saved (SC 131296).

🐛 We resolved an issue where you couldn’t filter Community Topics on the Help Center by both Active and Closed statuses at once (SC 130773).

🐛 Fixed an issue where the default value was automatically set for Date when “No default value” was selected (SC 133067).

🐛 Tasks linked to a ticket are now visible on the Deskpro Mobile apps (SC 132104).

🐛 Resolved an issue where language export values would map incorrectly during CSV import and cause the import to fail (SC 135016).

🐛 Starting a CSV import will now show the correct record count (SC 134880).

🐛 Importing a User with a new primary Organization will create the Organization and assign the User to it (SC 136101).

🐛 Improved an intermittent issue with the ticket queue count accuracy (SC 132593).

🐛 Removed Per User and Per Org fields from Recurring Tickets as unsupported (SC 121521).

🐛 Fixed an issue with the Text Field 'Is Not' Logic to allow null values (SC 136227).

🐛 Resolved an issue that stopped Agents from saving existing Lists if editing in advanced mode (SC 136204).

🐛 When a User resets the Help Center contact form, it will remove any uploaded attachments (SC 91585).

🐛 Restored the display of queued Macros Actions in the reply box (SC 131302).

🐛 Fixed an issue on the Deskpro Mobile apps, where dropdown sub-items would overflow the screen (SC 136765).

🐛 Fixed a bug where adding images and tables in reply boxes would cause the page to crash (SC 136570).

🐛 Fixed an intermittent jumping issue with scrolling ticket queues on mobile (SC 136906).

🐛 Resoved an issue where App filters for inbound webhooks weren’t displaying (SC 130730).

🐛 Fixed a bug that caused some tickets not to open if their ID matched the first four digits of the custom reference pattern (SC 130177).

Patch Release 2024.1.2

🐛 We have fixed an issue where inline images added to Knowledgebase Articles would not display in the editor or on the Help Center. Also fixed a problem where users couldn’t download Article attachments on the Help Center.

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