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How can I strip HTML from message content in my report? - Kunnskapsbase / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: How can I strip HTML from message content in my Reports?

How can I strip HTML from message content in my report?



I have a report that includes ticket messages, but tickets created from email contain a lot of HTML tags so the message is hard to read. Is there anything I can do?




In your report, instead of ticket_messages.message, use:


LEFT(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(tickets_messages.message, '<div>', ''), '</div>', ''), '<p>', ''), '</p>', ''), '<br />', ''), 25) AS 'Preview'


This will strip out the most common tags inserted by email clients, and make the messages more readable.

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