We have now removed the ‘On Hold’ state for a ticket and replaced this option with a new ‘Pending’ status which will keep the same useful behaviour of a ticket that has been put on hold, but this is no longer a sub-status of the Awaiting Agent status.
Pending will also have replaced On Hold in all Actions or Criteria in any Triggers, Filters etc, as this change allows the Pending ticket to behave the same as 'On Hold' tickets, with the added bonus that all actions that can be performed on a status, can now use Pending e.g. criteria in SLAs, giving you much more control over your tickets when automating them.
Selecting the Pending Status will be a lot more intuitive for you agents as well. Previously with 'On Hold' a ticket would need to be set as Awaiting Agent and then require an Action to be put on hold.
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