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DeskPRO Build #319 Released - Nieuws / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

mrt 20 2014

DeskPRO Build #319 Released

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We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #319.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • NEW New settings in ticket settings allows admins to control which email account and 'from' address is used when agents use the 'forward message' feature
  • IMPROVEMENT When using @mention, you will see a warning if the target agent is not allowed to view the ticket
  • IMPROVEMENT You can now specify default form values for newticket form by passing them in the URL query string
  • IMPROVEMENT Ticket filters on custom choice fields can now specify multiple options in one criteria (to create 'or' type filters).
  • IMPROVEMENT You can now edit the URL slug of articles/news/downloads/feedback
  • IMPROVEMENT Ticket Search API now lets you specify an 'op' with all parameters by sending abc_op data with the search, where 'abc' is the name of the field. For example, to find tickets where the agent is not 5: agent_id_op=not&agent_id=5
  • IMPROVEMENT 'forward message' overlay has auto-completion on email address field
  • CHANGE Clicking on a tab links (e.g.,a ticket result) is usually a toggle action. Click once, open the tab, click again, close the tab. Now, this toggle action only happens if the tab is the tab you are looking at.
  • FIX Chat department would be hidden on user chat box if only one parent-level dep was visible (i.e., the rest were all sub-deps of that one parent).
  • FIX "Automatically load the next ticket" option broke with new ticket list
  • FIX Slight blue colour on right-side of new ticketlit
  • FIX Notifications based on custom filters would sometimes apply even if they should not have (e.g., applying to tickets that were not in the filter).
  • FIX Realtime filter updates did not correctly apply to custom filters with criteria on custom fields
  • FIX Fix possible problems in email decoding to do with charset conversion due to bug in PHP/iconv
  • FIX Fix subgroup counts in new ticketlist not being accurate if a change happened to a ticket in a subgroup that you are not viewing
  • FIX Fix counts being set to 'all' count when viewing subgrouping
  • FIX Paging through results when viewing a subgrouping
  • FIX Chat messages sent to an agent who is offline (but did not explicitly log out) would not see messages when they came back
  • FIX If you tried to add a ticket owner as a participant on their own ticket via the API, no error was raised
  • FIX Interface would break if you tried to add a domain association to an org that was already in use
  • FIX Wbesite widget would show items in the left pane when the user did not have access to them (e.g., no perm to see feedback would still list feedback)
  • FIX Showing links back to portal in website widget even if portal is disabled
  • FIX New chat from website widget would show department select even when only one department exists
  • FIX New ticket listing was missing SLA status highlight
  • FIX People and org search results in agent 'quick search' box even if agent had no permission to view people/orgs
  • FIX Unassigned filter showing tickets even when they were assigned to a team
  • FIX After updating a ticket, new variable replacements would not be available to snippets until the ticket was reloaded. Also affected widgets.
  • FIX Very long custom field title would break rule builder because select box size would be too long
  • FIX Mangling snippet shortcodes when different agents use the same shortcodes. Now the system will detect duplicate shortcodes and show a warning, and if the warning is ignored, then the shortcode will just insert two snippets at the same time.
  • FIX Fix showing search box in portal when the user has no permission to see anything (e.g., on closed helpdesks)
  • FIX Tab index on login forms
  • FIX Possible "json_encode invalid UTF-8 sequence" PHP notices
  • FIX Time on feedback report would be offset by timezone hours
  • FIX Dupe checking could be slow on large databases because tickets_messages didn't have an index on the date_created field

If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.

If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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