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DeskPRO Build #311 Released - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

Diċ 17 2013

DeskPRO Build #311 Released

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We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #311.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • CHANGE Counters for publish categories in agent interface show how many items are in the category as well as a total of how many are in the sub-categories
  • FIX Deleted items appearing agent publish search
  • FIX Processing agent-forwarded email attachments would mangle charsets
  • FIX 'Delete bar' on deleted publish content had mislabelled button
  • FIX Missing 'undelete' button from deleted publish content. To undelete you would need to toggle the status select.
  • FIX Undeleting content would not reload the counters in the interface
  • FIX Odd and inconsistent result paging in custom ticket filters as filters are auto-updated
  • FIX Double-rendering agent chat messages
  • FIX Incorrect time on old agent chat messages
  • FIX Possible out-of-order messages in agnet chat when loading old messages into new chat window
  • FIX Notification preferences for 'alert' (browser notifications) were being treated as 'email' for system filters in some cases. For example, this could cause an email notification to happen even through you only wanted a browser notification.
  • FIX Percentages rendered in tables would be x100
  • FIX Inconsistent checkbox state in admin edit agent in 'zone access' section
  • FIX Only original article author could set articles to draft
  • FIX Drag+drop reorder/restructure of news and download categories
  • FIX Inconsistent UI when editing publish category permissions. When 'Everyone' is checked, all other usergroups need to show checked as well.
  • FIX Sticky search words on articles, downloads, news and feedback would cause items to always appear in search results even if a user did not have permission to view them (e.g., no permission to view category or the item was hidden/deleted).
  • FIX Mass-validate feedback would set the wrong status
  • FIX Empty 'team' choice boxes in ticket view and newticket form when no teams exist
  • FIX Missing sanity check in auto-upgrader for exec() being disabled
  • FIX Fix possible "Server max post vars" errors when saving agents
  • FIX Agents without 'can view transcripts' permission would not be able to view new chats either
  • FIX News sub-categories in agent interface would load download categories (or 404's if no categories happened to exist for the same IDs)
  • FIX Counts for download cats in agent interface was not inlcuded downloads contained in sub-categories
  • FIX Counters in CRM section update automatically as people or orgs are created
  • FIX If no email account is linked with a tickets department, the default email address could be the special knowledgebase email account if it's ID is lower than any other ticket account
  • FIX Possible JS error when inserting malformed snippet text
  • FIX Possible JS error when list view is hidden and activating next tab
  • FIX Possible JS error when SLA counts are updated but no SLAs are visible
  • FIX Possible JS error when updating urgency
  • FIX Possible PHP notice with magento usersource when using cookie SSO (same domain)
  • FIX Possible JS error when switching ticket list views at the exact moment the list is updated
  • FIX PHP notice when viewing agent hours reports with a malformed URL
  • FIX Visibility menu on ticket tasks
  • FIX Missing error message when installing Microsoft Translator plugin without cURL installed on the server (which would result in errors in the agent interface)
  • FIX Flagged tickets count showing a non-filtered number (eg. would include tickets you couldn't actually see)

If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.

If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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