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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.4 - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

јан. 24 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.4

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We are delighted to announce Deskpro Horizon 2023.4. This release includes our new Facebook Channel, adding another social channel for a rounded omnichannel experience to your support. Alongside this, we made improvements to the product UI and fixed bugs to enhance your experience in the helpdesk. For more detail on all the exciting new changes we’ve been working on you can check out the full release notes.

New Features

Here are all the latest features we have been working on. Including our new Social Channel Facebook and improvements to our Apps.

✨ Integrate your Facebook Business Page with Deskpro

You can now link your Facebook Business account to your helpdesk to manage Facebook Messenger direct messages (SC 96349 & 98461). Receive Messenger queries as tickets directly into your helpdesk, and provide seamless omnichannel support from your Deskpro interface.

Once Messenger is enabled in the helpdesk by an Admin and linked to a Facebook page you will be able to support your users’ Facebook Messenger queries from inside Deskpro.

Activate Messenger Release Post.pngOnce a Facebook account is linked to your helpdesk, agents will be able to manage and respond to tickets just as they would with any other helpdesk requests. Using the same productivity tools and features that help them to provide exceptional and efficient support.

Facebook Release.png✨ The viewing preferences for Tables in Admin settings will be remembered upon returning to the table (SC 98197).

✨ We updated our Salesforce App, you can now add opportunities to Salesforce deals from the Deskpro interface (SC 75729).

Latest Improvement

💅 We updated our Azure DevOps App to enhance how error messages are displayed to improve the clarity of messaging (SC 97707).

💅 We added a function that prevents Users from submitting a Community Forum suggestion with HTML in the form (SC 98636).

Bug Fixes

🐛 We fixed a bug where you couldn’t search through Snippet Categories whilst creating a Snippet (SC 92872).

🐛 Fixed a bug with labels on Help Center Templates, where new labels wouldn’t remain attached when creating a new piece of Help Center content using the template (SC 95744).

🐛 We fixed an issue where V5 filters with an ‘is not resolved’ status were not migrating correctly into ticket queues (SC 88566).

🐛 We fixed the dropdown for the Usergroups search on the User Profile that would become uneditable if the Usergroup searched for didn’t exist (SC 95159).

🐛 We added steps to prevent attacks on the Help Center login form to increase the security of login information (SC 98619).

🐛 We fixed a bug that prevented agents from editing a migrated Snippet (SC 94482).

🐛 We resolved an issue with Facebook Page profile images for Facebook Messenger channels in Admin (SC 97436).

🐛 We fixed an issue with harmful HMTL being injected into Help Center content by agents with non-destructive permissions (SC 98627).

🐛 We fixed issues with the Facebook Messenger activation page displaying when the network is slow and the system contains a Meta App already (SC 98570).

🐛 Fixed a bug to prevent access to Billing for Admins without Billing Permissions (SC 98578).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.0.52

We are pleased to announce the latest release of the On-Premise Controller, which includes several improvements to the OPC’s general performance, as well as bug fixes.

Latest Improvements

💅 Add the ability to override PHP FPM pool configuration files from the Web GUI (SC 99436).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Prevent proceeding with import if SSH validation fails (SC 99055).

🐛 Write a docker-compose environment file during an SSH import and create any missing files (this will require a one-time instance restart for instances previously imported via SSH) (SC 99134).

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