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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.33 - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

авг. 15 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.33

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We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2023.33.1. This release includes several improvements to our product functionality and interface and a number of bug fixes.

New Features

✨ We’ve added the Usergroup options to the User CSV Importer, so you can select Usergroups when mapping your User data during the upload process (SC 118397).

Latest Improvements

💅 We have made updates to the UI of our Agent Instant Messaging app. This update aligns the design with other Deskpro Global Apps to enhance the appearance of the app, as well as improve the intuitiveness of the menus (SC 117279).

💅 Custom field titles will now update with Language Preference changes without requiring a refresh (SC 110073).

Bug Fixes

🐛 We’ve fixed a problem with Active Directory and LDAP where an error would occur because of case sensitivity. Now the test will authenticate and pull the user details through so they are created on login and the sync completes (SC 98790).

🐛 Fixed an issue with boundary detection for emails that were causing Plain Text Emails to be rejected with an empty error message (SC 114751).

🐛 Fixed an issue where poor Voice connection would result in a user not hearing anything even when the call was successful (SC 111152).

🐛Fixed an issue, so IPs added to the Allow List are exempt from rate limiting, Agents accessing the site from that IP address will not be able to exceed the rate limit (SC 114755).

🐛 Fixed an issue where Agents were unable to delete attachments from Community Topics (SC 106930).

🐛 We have fixed the input for Email Headers in the Trigger Action menu, so Agents can now edit or delete Headers (SC 116984).

🐛 Removed the obsolete LDAP and AD sign-in buttons on the login page (SC 106788).

🐛 Fixed an issue with using batch requests to mass-delete users via the API that resulted in a 500 error (SC 118728).

🐛 Corrected the Ticket Thread order that was occurring when forwarding messages as a new ticket (SC 118211).

🐛 Fixed an issue with Tickets getting stuck with an active Live Chat if the User had abandoned the Chat (SC 115133).

🐛 Updating Ticket Stars will no longer send Ticket Update Notifications (SC 118072).

🐛 Fixed an issue with Grouped items that return more than 50 items stopping mass selection from working (SC 119301).

🐛 We fixed an issue where leading zeros were being erroneously prepended to the display of phone numbers (SC 118661).

🐛 Fixed an issue with the image viewer overlapping on smaller screens so when downloading images they were being cropped (SC 116582).

🐛 Restored the ability to expand the Agent Permissions that are hidden in a collapsible set of permissions (SC 119129).

🐛 The Banning User menu in Admin will now allow you to add new Users instead of showing a blank screen (SC 119269).

🐛 There will no longer be a discrepancy between the label counts in the CRM component and the Navigation Panel (SC 99915).

🐛 Fixed an issue with the Email Template variables menu not filtering or being scrollable (SC 109961).

🐛 Fixed an issue loading Knowledgebase Articles with the legacy content input (SC 122210).

🐛 Recurring Tickets with only a Task action should still create tickets successfully (SC 115491).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.8.3

We are also pleased to announce the latest version of the On-Premise Controller. This release includes several improvements that improve the overall useability of the OPC.

Latest Improvements

💅 Show some additional helper text if the contents of the PHP FPM info panels do not show the expected configuration (SC 121408).

💅 Show a status indicator in the navigation menu displaying the number of decisions that need to be made (SC 121426).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Add migration for external database timezone data (SC 122316).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.8.2

We also released version 2.8.2 of the On-Premise Controller to resolve an issue with timezone data.

Bug fixes

🐛 Remove migration for timezone data (SC 122316).

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