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Deskpro Horizon Release 2022.38.0 - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

септ. 20 2022

Deskpro Horizon Release 2022.38.0

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We are pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon version 2022.38.0. This release includes several new features that our team has been developing, general improvements, and bug fixes.

New features we’re introducing

💫 For On-Premise accounts, we have enhanced the On-Premise Controller status block on the Admin Dashboard to make it clearer when an update is needed, and to add a ‘Log in’ link to make checking your instances more efficient (SC 74970).

💫 You can now collapse and expand User Profiles on an open ticket to help keep your workspace clear (SC 87229).

💫 We have added the ability for Agent Apps to allow for “Generic” OAuth sign-in, to make using apps in the Deskpro interface a smoother process (SC 87473).

💫 You can now set a User's organization on a ticket automatically with our new “Set Organization” Ticket Trigger (SC 85307).

💫 We have created two new SLA types to give you further control over time-based performance goals (SC 85551).

Improvements we’ve made

💅 We have made a number of optimization improvements to further enhance ticket opening and loading speeds (SC 86461).

💅 We have added a standalone Help Center page to allow users to rate their ticket responses from for Organizations where the Help Center is disabled (SC 86491).

💅 We have improved the behavior of the interface after an upgrade, so it will offer a maintenance message and refresh the page if a ticket is loading incorrectly (SC 86245).

💅 We have updated permission rules to operate in the same way as Deskpro Version 5, where Agents with ‘Assign Tickets to Self’ but without ‘Assign Agents’ permissions cannot unassign themselves from a Ticket (SC 86561).

Bugs that have been fixed

🐛 We fixed an issue where images loading in a lightbox for Google Chrome users would break (SC 85758).

🐛 We fixed the bug that stopped Ticket Information from displaying after adding a custom field for Firefox users (SC 86894).

🐛 We have fixed an issue where the content in Card view would overlap when viewing more than 50 tickets (SC 86568).

🐛 We fixed the problem where custom Star names would revert after a refresh or logging out (SC 86947).

🐛 We have fixed an issue that affected the sort by and group by parameters, now when tickets are grouped they will respect the sort by order (SC 85854).

🐛 We fixed an issue where SLAs were being incorrectly calculated for exclusion dates if there was only one day excluded (SC 87282).

🐛 Fixed an error where an Agents name would be removed from the UI when a pending article was created (SC 87331).

🐛 We fixed an issue where holidays were not saved in the Trigger business hours criteria (SC 87532).

🐛 We fixed an issue where the notification count was displaying wrong (SC 87464).

🐛 We fixed a problem where you couldn’t delete Snippet attachments in the Admin interface (SC 86455).

🐛 We have fixed an issue with adding actions to the ‘Per Department’ trigger, now it will not run on each ticket change, but only when the Department is updated (SC 87249).

🐛 We have fixed the inability to access the Rule Builder menu in Firefox (SC 86391).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.0.37

We’re also delighted to share the latest version of the OPC.

Our latest improvement

💅 We have added a problem check to ensure the host firewall is enabled and sync problem information to instance databases (SC 76149).

And the bug fixed

🐛 Update to validation and forwarding host headers for instances (SC 87084) - Please ensure the OPC IP is configured correctly if accessing instances via this method.

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