Užpildykite šią formą, ir mūsų atstovas kuo greičiau atsakys jums elektroniniu paštu.
Are you looking for a Cloud or On-Premise (self-hosted) solution?
How many agents/staff use your helpdesk?
Please include version number
Please include version number
Please detail steps to reproduce if possible
Please attach the following: Server Report File, Ticket Debug File (if related to specific tickets) , Any errors in your Developer Console that are relevant
The URL of your Deskpro Helpdesk i.e. the url of the agent login screen.
The country where your company is head quartered.
Your Meta Business Manager ID, formally known as "Facebook Business Manager ID".
Roughly how many WhatsApp messages are you expecting to send per month.
By default migrations will run at 9am UTC, if you would like to request a different time, please include this in your message.
Your company's name
Your company's business website address
For Local UK numbers, a UK business address is required.
Only required if different from Business Address.
Authorized representative should be a senior person in the company who is responsible for Phone Numbers.
Businesses not using a UK Companies House Registration Number must provide an excerpt from the commercial register to prove their identity.