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Why can't users or agents use email addresses that are also ticket accounts? - 지식 베이스 / Getting Started / General - Deskpro Support

Why can't users or agents use email addresses that are also ticket accounts?

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If you've set up an email address to receive tickets in Admin > Tickets > Email Accounts, you can't use it for a user or agent account.

Why not?

When Deskpro monitors an email account, all email in that account is read and processed. Deskpro prevents normal users from using these accounts to prevent the possibility of email loops.

For example:

  1. You have a ticket account
  2. You have an agent with the email
  3. A user sends a message to

When Deskpro gets an email, by default agents get notified by email. In this case, we have an agent account at Therefore, we would have Deskpro sending emails to itself.

To make matters worse, you can set up your helpdesk to auto-respond to email messages with a confirmation. So Deskpro would email itself, process that email as a new reply or ticket and send another notification to agents (and therefore itself again). This process would continue on forever, with Deskpro constantly replying to itself and then processing its own replies.

Deskpro has many safeguards to stop loops like this happening. One of the safeguards is to prevent ticket accounts from being used as any user or agent account.

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Comments (1)

Brian Peat
This exact thing is the issue if you get this error message while editing an agent account: • The email address you entered belongs to a ticket account.