
I'm having trouble being locked out of my helpdesk by IP whitelisting - ナレッジベース / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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I'm having trouble being locked out of my helpdesk by IP whitelisting



I enabled IP whitelisting on my helpdesk. Something has gone wrong with sending outgoing email, so I can't receive the email to verify my IP address. How can I log in?


In Deskpro On-Premise, you can disable IP whitelisting from the command line.

Go to the folder where you installed Deskpro. Edit config.php and add this line at the bottom:


$DP_CONFIG['SETTINGS'] = array('agent.ip_security.enabled' => false);


That will disable the IP whitelisting check. Once you have fixed the problem with email, don't forget to delete or comment out the line.


If you're on Deskpro Cloud, email us at support@deskpro.com

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