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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.43 - Novità / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

ott 24 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.43

Elenco degli autori

We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2023.43. This release includes new features our team has been developing, general improvements to product functionality and improving the visibility of the interface, and several bug fixes.

New Features

✨ We have added the ability to manually select a ticket’s organization. The default behavior that automatically sets a Ticket’s Organization based on the User’s primary Organization will still occur, but this functionality allows Agents with the relevant permissions to manually override the Organization associated with the Ticket (SC 128588).

Mulriple Org Selection on Tickets.png

The benefits of this addition are that it will enhance the ease of ticket management for Agents as it allows them to quickly update a ticket’s associated organization from a ticket, and will also improve clarity for Agents when setting the Organization for Users associated with multiple Organizations

✨ We’ve added more descriptive titles for the Email Template Variable menu to make navigating the variables clearer (SC 129142).

Email Template Variable Menu.png

Latest Improvements

💅 We have darkened the color of grey text used across the interface to enhance contrast and improve legibility (SC 129216).

💅 We have optimized how Agent Department queries are run to enhance speed and performance (SC 130449).

💅 Agents can now Group and Sort Tickets in Queues by Subject (SC 128117).

Group, Sort, View.png

💅 The Recurring Ticket settings in Admin will now display Date and Time fields in the Agents’ own timezone as set in their preferences for improved clarity in the menu (SC 114262).

💅 We have improved how queries are run to enhance the speed for ticket counts and permission checks (SC 130452).

💅 We made several improvements to Queue performance (SC 129945).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Fixed an issue with the message input option on the Send SMS with Twilio Trigger action (SC 125790).

🐛 We resolved an issue with deleting Agents and converting them into a User. Now Agents who are converted into Users will be flagged appropriately to ensure their emails aren’t rejected (SC 126890).

🐛 We fixed the Restore Version feature on the HTML (TinyMCE) Knowledgebase Article Editor (SC 122305).

🐛 We have fixed the translation issue for the CC field on the Help Center form (SC 121077).

🐛 We have improved the behavior that occurs if an Agent uses a Custom Field to Group, Sort, or View Tickets, if the Custom Field gets deleted to avoid errors occurring on the Agents Queue or List (SC 125974).

🐛 Fixed a problem where a long warning or fail state for an SLA would impact the loading of the SLA menu in Admin (SC 129750).

🐛 Fixed an issue with the User CSV Importer where Organization data would not be pulled through correctly. Now Users’ Organizations and Organization Position will be correctly processed when importing Users (SC 130068).

🐛 We fixed an issue where the hover state for copying phone numbers would close too quickly, making it difficult to copy the number successfully. Now the icon will remain open as long as the number field is hovered over (SC 98645).

🐛 We have resolved an issue where Snippets were loading slowly for sites with large subsets (SC 128879).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.10.2

We are also pleased to share version 2.10.2 of the OPC, this version includes an enhancement that improves the performance of backups.

Latest Improvements

💅 Allow skipping of database backups during the daily automated backup (SC 130693).

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