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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.34 - Novità / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

ago 22 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.34

Elenco degli autori

We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2023.34. This release includes several new features our team has been developing, general improvements to product functionality and interface, and several bug fixes.

New Features

✨ Deskpro Apps will now be automatically deployed and updated to ensure they’re up to date with the latest versions; without waiting for the weekly product releases. So now you get access instantly to the latest improvements and features of the custom apps. (SC 84483).

✨ We added functionality to the Knowledgebase Content Editors to ensure that the behavior of links in the HTML editor matches the Default editor. And the editor last used will be remembered when accessing an article (SC 118739).

✨ You can now search for Users by name or email address in the Recurring Ticket form (SC 116549).

✨ Added the ability to create a Knowledgebase Article in the Pending Status (SC 119853).

Latest Improvements

💅 We’ve improved the efficiency of querying the last_seen property when using our API (SC 121890).

💅 We’ve updated the appearance of overflowing apps on the Ticket and User Properties Panels to align them with the design (SC 119695).

Bug Fixes

🐛 We’ve improved the reliability of migrations by adding handling for Triggers that were created with no criteria (SC 116974).

🐛 You can now search for Users by their phone number using the Global Search app (SC 100520).

🐛 Fixed displaying the correct email address for messages forwarded into the helpdesk by Agents according to the Smart-parse setting in Admin (SC 92751).

🐛 Fixed an issue where Snippet Attachments would be lost during migration (SC 112356).

🐛 Fixed a false error that stopped Admins from editing sub-status titles (SC 118680).

🐛 Fixed an erroneous validation message on Triggers for the Department field (SC 119728).

🐛 Fixed the positioning for the insert link popup positioning in the Agent Preferences menu (SC 103505).

🐛 We fixed an issue with scrolling causing a glitch in Admin tables (SC 113194).

🐛 Fixed the issue where Department Group Chats were duplicated in the Agent IM window (SC 122456).

🐛 Fixed an issue where a Deleted Macro's drawer would show a generic error instead of a Macro not found message (SC 115575).

🐛 Fixed an issue where Agents with the People Permission “Can use the CRM System” couldn’t view User email addresses (SC 104383).

🐛 Fixed the alignment of different dropdown menus across the Agent and Admin interfaces (SC 117508).

🐛 Fixed an issue where icons for apps were not loading correctly in the reply box (SC 123090).

🐛 Fixed an issue causing an error when some customers made requests via the API (SC 120891).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.8.4

We are also pleased to share the latest improvements to the On-Premise Controller in version 2.8.4.

Latest Improvements

💅 Show a message to warn that database optimizations will cause the database service to be restarted (SC 122660).

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