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Deskpro Horizon Release 2022.33.0 - Novità / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

ago 16 2022

Deskpro Horizon Release 2022.33.0

Elenco degli autori

We are pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2022.33.0. This release includes several new features that our team has been developing, general improvements to the product functionality and interface, and bug fixes.

New features in this release

💫 We have upgraded our GitHub App, so you can now add issue comments, edit an issue and append comments from Deskpro replies (SC 78694).

Improvements we have made

💅 We’ve added a function to clear site data when an agent logs out of the helpdesk (SC 83431).

💅 We improved the ‘Enabled’ state for toggles in the user sources (SC 82975).

💅 We have improved the logic that checks migrated old reports against already migrated reports to avoid the creation of duplicates (SC 82346).

💅 We have improved the UX for adding and editing across both guides and categories (SC 71706).

💅 We have added functionality to clear login tokens upon logout or a password change for added security (SC 80704)

💅 We have improved the UI and behavior of the active voice ticket cards, so they will show a clear recording state and update when a call ends (SC 76802).

💅 We have improved the design and UI of the Approval Template drawers to add clarity for who gets added as an Approver (SC 46247).

💅 We have significantly improved the performance of the snippet search and preview feature (SC 81413).

💅 To avoid failures caused by intermittent network issues, Deskpro will now retry requests up to 3 times. (SC 83218).

💅 We’ve added a route that prevents ad-blockers from blocking issues sent to our error logs, this will allow us to understand and investigate any errors our customers encounter (SC 83635).

💅 The Salesforce App will now allow sandbox accounts (SC 83523).

Bugs fixed in this release

🐛 Community topic search has been fixed (SC 83426).

🐛 We fixed an issue that was occurring on newly created custom templates (SC 82008).

🐛 ElasticSearch will now skip wrong parameters to improve the accuracy of the searching functionality (SC 77965).

🐛 We fixed an issue where phrase labels were showing in Guides (SC 83204).

🐛 We fixed an issue that caused an error if a ticket with no message was created (SC 83300).

🐛 We have resolved the issue where deleted tickets, without a correct tickets_deleted record, were going stale and not being deleted (SC 79841).

🐛 We have fixed an issue that allowed leading and trailing spaces on the secondary email input on the user profile (SC 81987).

🐛 We have fixed a bug where the ‘Update Triggers’ tab would erroneously load ‘Reply Triggers’ (SC 82645).

🐛 We have fixed some UI regressions in the Navigation Bar (SC 82746).

🐛 We have fixed an issue that stopped Agents from editing dashboards they have permission to edit if they are not a Reports Administrator (SC 69848).

🐛 We fixed an issue that stopped Snippet shortcodes from displaying if there was no defined language (SC 82980).

🐛 The bug that made user’s unable to click on a Snippet shortcode from the inline search feature has been fixed (SC 82687).

🐛 We fixed an issue where additional actions on Triggers weren’t saved if they already had an existing Webhook action associated with them (SC 82632).

🐛 We have fixed pre-filling form fields so a URL that auto-fills fields will not result in an error (SC 82842).

🐛 We have fixed an issue where HTML content for Articles and News templates wasn’t being retrieved (SC 81141).

🐛 We fixed an issue where Snippets weren’t retrieved when the language was null (SC 80301).

🐛 We have fixed a bug that prevented user’s from editing custom language phrases (SC 81502).

🐛 We have fixed the issue where audit logs were missing changes to Ticket Triggers (SC 82254).

🐛 We fixed an issue where links weren’t working for custom domain names that were saved without trailing slashes (SC 79207).

🐛 We have fixed an issue where inline images were saved incorrectly as temporary blobs during content creation. This fix will be effective across Articles, News Posts, Snippets, Community Topics, Guide Topics, and Content templates (SC 74209).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.0.30

We are also delighted to announce the latest version of the OPC. This version includes a feature and several bug fixes.

New features we’ve created

💫 Validate S3 bucket policy settings to ensure certain attachments are not publicly accessible and add a daily problem check to re-validate (SC 82844).

Bugs fixed in this release

🐛 Allow the deskpro_net docker network have a configurable subnet range (SC 83076).

🐛 Allow sending of problem emails via SMTP servers whose certificates might be invalid, e.g., shared mail servers (SC 83361).

🐛 Prevent checks on the container status when an update is in progress (SC 81487).

🐛 Catch errors when trying to view an instance page when the instance has been deleted (SC 83268).

🐛 Do not send a network request for every character typed when adding a domain to an instance (SC 78931).

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