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How do I remove chat from the user portal but offer chat on a different site? - Knowledgebase / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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How do I remove chat from the user portal but offer chat on a different site?

Elenco degli autori


How can I remove chat from my portal altogether, but still allow users to chat from a different website using the embedded chat widget?


You can remove the chat widget from the user portal by editing the portal templates.

In admin, go to User Interface >Portal > Template Editor  and edit the body-include.html template.

At the bottom of the template you'll see a section you will see the following line:

Simply remove this line of code and press Save. Male sure to press 'Save Changes' in the main editor to ensure the widgert is removed.

Note that if you wanted to disable chat everywhere, you could disable it from Admin > Chat > Site Widget & Chat.

That would disable chat on the portal and on any websites where you had embedded the chat widget. The advantage of the method explained in this article is that it removes chat from the portal only.

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