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Summarize complex ticket threads with Ticket Summary - Hírek / Product / Product (Agent) - Deskpro Support

júl. 27 2023

Summarize complex ticket threads with Ticket Summary

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We're thrilled to announce a new feature, Ticket Summary, to enhance how you handle long and complex tickets!

Where previously long threads could lead to confusion if different agents tried to make sense of it, Ticket Summary provides a dedicated space for a concise overview of the entire ticket.

Add Ticket Summary.png

Add a Ticket Summary from the Ticket Actions menu. And once created, it appears as a new tab at the top of the content pane within the ticket interface, allowing agents to add rich text summaries effortlessly.

This makes it easily accessible and visible to any agents who handle the ticket in the future to grasp the context. Use the Ticket Summary to provide a quick and clear understanding of the ticket's history and current situation.

Ticket Summary Add and with summary.png

This feature will not only enhance the efficiency of your team by helping them quickly understand issues, but also ensure that every agent is well-informed about the ticket's journey, leading to faster and more accurate resolutions for end-users.

We can't wait for you to try out the Ticket Summary feature and experience the difference it makes in streamlining your support process.

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