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DeskPRO Build #304 Released - Hírek / Release Announcements - Deskpro Support

okt. 3 2013

DeskPRO Build #304 Released

Szerzők listája

We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #304.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • CHANGE Increase size of ref field in the database to better handle longer custom ticket ref formats (was 25, now 100).
  • FIX No feedback when configuring a custom SMTP server when the connection times out
  • FIX Fix treating all robot messages (e.g., those who advertise themselves as being Auto-Submitted) from being run through the standard bounce-detection handling. This could result in an email message with the same subject as a previous ticket being silently saved as a reply rather than a new ticket. This kind of scenario can be common with automated alerts.
  • FIX Missing ticket grouping options for category, workflow and priority
  • FIX Product grouping option being displayed even when product not being used
  • FIX Ticket search on multiple non-default fields would only ever search on the last added field (e.g., a date and a custom field would only search date)
  • FIX If APC is not installed on Windows you would see admin notice about WinCache, even if you are using Apache
  • FIX Text-overflow on long category titles in tabs in Publish section
  • FIX Fallback mechanism for handling custom ticket ref format collisions. Will just fallback to a random ref and accept the ticket.
  • FIX Added missing validation to settings page where you defined custom ticket ref format (would let you add spaces etc)
  • FIX Article translations queue showing when only using a single language
  • FIX Unable to select a parent category that is already a parent when adding new categories in Publish section
  • FIX Workaround bug in swiftmailer issue #258: Attachment email attachments (type message/rfc822) would not work properly. They would usually show up in email clients as 0-byte "email.eml" attachments.
  • FIX SLA triggers from firing other 'user updated' triggers
  • FIX Email flood-check applying to web-submitted tickets too
  • FIX Fix v3 importer handling ticket attachments that do not belong to a ticket message (v3 bug would allow uploading attachments but not submitting a reply)
  • FIX HTML code in snippets would be rendered when inserting the snippet into the ticket
  • FIX Feedback comments not showing up if "Enable comments on articles, news and downloads" was disabled

If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.

If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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