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Deskpro 2021.1.6 Release - Hírek / Release Announcements - Deskpro Support

jún. 2 2021

Deskpro 2021.1.6 Release

Szerzők listája

We are pleased to announce the release of Deskpro version 2021.1.6. This includes a mixture of general improvements and bug fixes.  

General Improvements and Bug Fixes:

  • DPLEG-878 - Agent sessions are not expiring or agents not being logged out of helpdesk as per inactivity settings 

  • CH-26242 - User Group Departments permissions not accessible via API

  • CH-27334 -  Missed voice calls do not get turned into a ticket with a custom date field

  • CH-25401 - HTML table included in an incoming email is not parsed into the ticket

3rd June 2021 - Patch Notice: (2021.1.6.51965)

  • Error Report: Style attribute 'display' is not supported

7th June 2021 - Patch Notice: (2021.1.6.51992)

  • Error Report: Exception: 0 Call to a member function setSiteUrl() on null

  • Error Report: Call to a member function getPrimaryEmail() on null

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