If you use Round Robin based on 'User Logged In', it works great when Agents are logged in. However, over a weekend or over a night you are likely to receive some or a lot of new tickets. Because these new tickets can't be assigned (due to the users not being logged in), on Monday morning when agents do log in, all of the tickets received over the weekend are 'Unassigned'. They have to be manually assigned. This defeats the object of Round Robin assignment. My suggestion is some kind of Trigger that monitors the tickets every x minutes/hours. So, if it sees that tickets are unassigned, it attempts to assign them via the round robin rules. If no agents are logged in, the tickets remain unassigned. A few minutes/hours later (user defined) the script runs again. If the next time it runs happens to be 8.30 om Monday morning, round robin will kick in and assign all of the 'unassigned' tickets in order to the available agents (not to one agent).
Round Robin Queue outside Working Hours - Ötlettár / Feature Request - Deskpro Support
Round Robin Queue outside Working Hours Collecting Feedback
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