Résultats de recherche
Affichage des résultats dans Communauté pour : “JIRA” (15)
JIRA addon to display DeskPro-Tickets in JIRA issue
Add the ability to 'Send to Jira as new issue' when creating a new ticket.
Add option to set default for 'Send comment to JIRA'
More granular permissions for JIRA integration
'submitting agent' as sender for JIRA integration
Option to select Jira assignee when creating a Jira issue
Ability to find DeskPro tickets with linked JIRA issues
Show Deskpro ticket status in JIRA
Update JIRA-logo
Attach file using the JIRA App
JIRA portal triggers
JIRA integration - carry over text
Sending more data to JIRA and vice versa
JIRA status category as a ticket update trigger criteria
Add an attachement using the JIRA app in Deskpro