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Using the Deskpro API browser - Base de connaissances / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: Using the Deskpro API Browser

Using the Deskpro API browser

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You can browse the Deskpro API and try out the available operations using our API browser.

To see the API browser:




See the API browser section of the Developer Manual for more details about using the browser.


Note: you need to generate and enter an API key if you want to be able to execute API operations. 

Remember that any POST and DELETE operations will change the data in your helpdesk, so be careful what you do on a production helpdesk.


There are a few operations that aren't yet properly supported by the API browser (e.g. where you need to send an array). For full documentation, refer to the API section of the Developer Manual

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