Showing results in Ohjeet for: “Tasks” (0)
Showing results in Palaute for: “Tasks” (15)
Tasks visible to clients (by agent choice) based on ticket
Task creation usability enhancement
Ticket Number on Task Reminders
Agent Interface Counts for tickets and tasks
Add 'Relative Date' to a Trigger Action for Tasks
Sync Deskpro tasks with iCal, Google Cal?
Public tasks should be visible only in the ticket scope
Task Dates
Ability to write descriptions about tasks created on the helpdesk
TASKs in the mobile app
Task should only be allowed to close if the Minimum Number of Characters are entered on it
Improve trigger options for tasks
Task handling improvements
Repeating Task or Ticket
Improve Task Functionality
Showing results in Uutiset for: “Tasks” (0)
Showing results in Tiedostot for: “Tasks” (0)