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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.42 - Uutiset / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

lokak. 17 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.42

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We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2023.42. This release includes several improvements and bug fixes to enhance the overall performance and usability of the helpdesk.

Latest Improvements

💅 We have added tooltips for the Macro options: Add Snippet, Add Reply, and Add Note. To improve clarity for both Admins creating Macros and Agents applying Macros, as to what action will occur depending on if an agent selects Run Now or Run on Send (SC 114429).

💅 Edited Help Center Templates will display an asterisk in the Help Center Design Editor to improve clarity (SC 95370).

💅 A warning will now display if a User tries to add a CC that is not registered on the helpdesk when registration is disabled (SC 117607).

💅 Updated Tooltips across product to improve performance (SC 124922).

💅 Improved the migration of Custom Filters when upgrading to Horizon. All Custom Filters will now become Lists so Agents retain editing permissions (SC 129655).

💅 We have restored the ability to view the download information for Files. You can now open a detailed view using the expand icon, which will show when a File was downloaded and by whom if the User was logged in (SC 123821).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Fixed an issue affecting how data was returned in Reports for Toggles where null values were not counted correctly (SC 97957).

🐛 Resolved an issue impacting scheduled Reports. Now Reports will be sent according to the specified times only (SC 115725).

🐛 Fixed an issue where enabling Voice could create duplicate accounts (SC 108444).

🐛 Fixed an issue where disabling Agent and User Two Factor Authentication permissions would cause interference (SC 128179).

🐛 Restored the ability to drag and drop Queue Sets in the Admin Interface (SC 111151).

🐛 We fixed an issue with time limit input for SLAs to allow for non-integers and increase the maximum time limit (SC 118959).

🐛 Restored the Disable SSL certificate validation option for LDAP (SC 104502).

🐛 Fixed an issue with refreshing the Outgoing Email Log page (SC 102253).

🐛 Fixed an issue where Archived Tickets were displaying in Search Results to align the behavior with performance and clarity changes previously made (SC 127198).

🐛 Fixed the behavior of the Discard Changes button on some settings pages in Admin (SC 104962).

🐛 Resolved an issue with navigating the Snippet and Macros apps when a search was in progress at a lower level (SC 125351).

🐛 Fixed an issue impacting attachment uploads for embedded forms on Safari (SC 121791).

🐛 Help Center Link formatting tools will no longer continue to display when scrolling down a page or changing tabs (SC 109972).

🐛 Updated the alignment of avatars on the Ticket Search interface (SC 103019).

🐛 Fixed an issue that prevented Admins from saving edits to a Community Topic Status (SC 110418).

🐛 Restored the upload attachment option on the Snippets menu in the Admin Interface (SC 129356).

🐛 We restored the ability to see resolved tickets when looking at Problems, My Stars, and Labels (SC 126227).

🐛 Fixed an issue where an error would display when loading ticket history if the ticket has a legacy status (SC 127621).

🐛 Fixed an issue where Agents couldn’t view or remove User Two Factor Authentication methods (SC 128726).

🐛 Updated the Search Indexer performance by moving status updates to schedule instead of after every index job (SC 129886).

🐛 Fixed an issue where links were not loading correctly when using a Mass Reply (SC 127456).

🐛 Added the Edit hover behavior to the Reports Interface when a Stat is returned via the Navigation Panel search (SC 129977).

🐛 Fixed an issue where Usergroups updates were not saving (SC 130037).

🐛 Fixed an issue where the Usergroup dropdown remained open after navigating away from the tab (SC 125560).

🐛 Fixed an issue where adding an attachment to an empty reply on the Help Center would result in a reload and appear to update the ticket (SC 124683).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.10.1

We are also delighted to announce the latest version of the On-Premise Controller which includes some improvements to enhance the OPC.

Latest Improvements

💅 Display sizes of the top 10 largest tables in an instance database on the database information page (SC 129944).

💅 Add an hourly problem check to verify that the Elasticsearch index is in sync for an instance (SC 129952).

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