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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.39 - Uutiset / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

syysk. 26 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.39

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We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2023.39. This release includes several new features our team has been developing, general improvements to product functionality and interface, and several bug fixes.

New Features

Enterprise Customers can now set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Users on your Help Center

You can now enable User Email or TOTP Two Factor Authentication for an extra layer of protection when Users manage their tickets via your Help Center.

2FA User.png

Ensure the right people are accessing the Help Center content and tickets by setting up 2FA for the Help Center. Make 2FA mandatory, or apply for specific Users to add further protection to sensitive tickets or information (SC 127479).

Check out the setup Guide to enable User 2FA on your Help Center.

You can now host translations for your Help Center Guides, News Posts, and Files

Help Center Translations.png

We’ve extended our existing Help Center Translation functionality to let Agents create and edit translations for your Guides, News Posts, and Files in our Help Center, in addition to Knowledgebase Articles (SC 106525).

✨ We’ve added the ability for Agents to create Ticket Lists from existing Queues, making it easier for Agents to use settings from an existing Queue to create a custom List (SC 95620).

Latest Improvements

💅 For Ticket Lists, we have added the ability to filter whether the User on a Ticket is an Auto-Responder (SC 106764).

💅 We have updated the My Ticket Page on the Help Center to allow Users who are members of multiple Organizations to see Tickets from each of their Organizations (SC 121898).

💅 You can now use the Trigger Action Set Organization, to associate an Organization with the Email Domain it was sent to, and do add the User to the Organizations if they are not already associated with it (SC 121877).

💅 We have added the ability to move Agent Signatures in the reply box when creating a new Linked Ticket (SC 123290).

💅 We have added a specific marker for some external email clients to ensure mail is not rejected (SC 114658).

💅 We updated the design of Lists when using Dual View to ensure the visibility of the Filter Panel is improved (SC 96659).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Fixed Satisfaction Survey notifications, now agents subscribed to a Queue for property change alerts will be notified when a ticket in the Queue receives feedback (SC 115997).

🐛 Fixed an issue with IMAPs deletion methods, this change will allow you to expunge deleted emails to ensure they aren’t re-fetched repeatedly from the server (SC 116224).

🐛 We fixed an issue where updates to the custom number fields were displayed incorrectly in the CRM history log (SC 98675).

🐛 Restored a setting for Recurring Tickets which would stop Tickets from being created if missing (SC 121875).

🐛 We fixed a missing Urgency setting on the Ticket Table that was impacting the Linked Tickets feature (SC 117841).

🐛 We've corrected a discrepancy between the total number of users displayed in the Admin interface and the total number of users in the CRM in the Agent Interface (SC 101619).

🐛 Fixed an issue with text formatting in forwarded emails (SC 124069).

🐛 We have applied a fix to prevent errors preventing cron in Deskpro V5 (SC 71316).

🐛 Fixed a Firefox issue where Voice would mark you as offline if you had the helpdesk open in more than one tab (SC 123548).

🐛 We fixed an issue that prevented some Escalations from being opened in the Admin Interface (SC 121717).

🐛 Fixed an issue with empty status categories for Community Topics after being mass deleted or marked as spam (SC 103612).

🐛 Fixed an issue where Macros couldn’t be removed from all categories (SC 120130).

🐛 We fixed an issue where you were unable to add a Follow Up to Tickets that had been resolved (SC 124743).

🐛 Fixed Triggers not saving when using the Clear Value action (SC 121883).

🐛 Fixed Agent Avatars not displaying on the Messenger Widget (SC 106480).

🐛 We fixed an issue where the Ticket Queues sort order was not being saved (SC 125565).

🐛 We fixed an issue with the CSV download feature on Safari (SC 125830).

Patch Release 2023.39.2

🐛 We fixed an issue with high memory usage that impacted Queues during test migrations (SC 127864).

Patch Release 2023.39.3

🐛 We have fixed an issue where agents’ 2FA was erroneously disabled (SC 128141).

  • Cloud customers - 2FA setups have been restored.

  • On-prem customers - agents will need to set up their 2FA again.

Patch Release 2023.39.4

🐛We have fixed the erroneous rejections of emails forwarded to the helpdesk (SC 128084).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.9.3

We are also pleased to be releasing version 2.9.3 of the On-Premise Controller which includes some improvements to the controller’s functionality.

Latest Improvements

💅Updated the config variable for API URLs (SC 127231).

💅 Include a problem check for stale uploads (SC 114628).

💅 Updated information on the WebGUI SSH decision card (SC 127325).

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