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Forward entire ticket history - انتقادات و پیشنهادات / Feature Request - Deskpro Support


Forward entire ticket history Finished

It is possible to forward a specific message to an external email address.It is also possible to export an entire ticket in pdf. It would be great to combine both:- ability to forward an entire ticket history inside an email - ability to forward that same history but in a pdf attachment Thanks for your support!

Comments (۳)

Philipp Bartsch
This would be a helpful feature. Also attachments should be included by forwarding a complete ticket history.
Zara Marchesi
Thanks for your feedback! We have noticed significant interest in this feature, and are taking your suggestions to the next level! Our Development Team is now working on a function which will allow you to forward the entire Ticket History along with any attachments to an external User. We always appreciate everyone's participation in the improvement and development of DeskPRO and will keep you updated when this function is ready!
Paul Davies
Full ticket forwarding is now a feature of Deskpro, from within the Agent Interface You can read more about it here: