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Away from Desk to disable Round Robin for Agent - Community / Feature Request - Deskpro Support


Away from Desk to disable Round Robin for Agent Collecting Feedback

We have a situation where we dont want to keep logging in and out of Deskpro when a user e.g. goes to the toilet, gets involved in a large order or is on the phone to a customer for half an hour. Like the Live Chat, we propose a button at the top of the Agent interface which can be clicked by the agent and will exclude them from the Round Robin ticket assignment. When they log in, the button will always be set to include them in the round robin, but if they find that they are on the phone for a long time, they can press the button to temporarily exclude them from the round robin ticket assignment. This is similar to the 'wrap up' function found on many corporate phone systems.

Comments (4)

Marty Sabel
This is a very important feature i.e. a agent needs time to work extensively on tickets already assigned to them. However they cannot accept new tickets.
Christian Cantinelli
In contrast to Round Robin, I would like a solution for unassigned the agent from the ticket if this is no longer (logout). - if assigned to an Agent - if the agent is Offline - if a ticket is "waiting for agent" - if ticket is waiting a response for X minutes => ACTIONS - unassign the agent from the ticket In this way, the next round of Round Robin assigns the ticket to another agent who is online. This is useful for lunch breaks, shift shifts.
Ryan Coy
The idea would be to assign specific hours for agents who work in a Round Robin setup who may need to be logged into DeskPro; however, without being in the Round Robin queue. <br />
Example: Agent A is in RR queue, but will be working on a side project Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Current setup, an admin will need to remove Agent A from RR queue and re-add on days they need in queue Idea would be to set "shifts". Agent A: Work Shift Mon, Wed, Friday 8AM-5PM, Off Shift Tues, Thurs 8AM-5PM
Toda Tomoyuki
Assign Agent by Round Robins even if not logged in to the web interface. Therefore, I thought that I would like to not assign if Agent is off. It is a lot of work to re-set in Round Robins every time, so if you can manage with API, you can set up from the outside automatically So I requested a feature.

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