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DeskPRO Build #5.3.2 Released - Noticias / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

ene 20 2017

DeskPRO Build #5.3.2 Released

Lista de autores


  • Real-time updates not working for custom fields
  • Toggle custom field triggers, Chrome was crashing
  • Issue with custom field select box (parent/child) when 'Display only when value provided' was enabled
  • Integrity checks failing on patched files
  • The following error: Exception: 0 You cannot serialize or unserialize PDO instances

If you are using DeskPRO Cloud, we will roll out this update to your helpdesk soon.


If you are using DeskPRO On-Premise, you can update your helpdesk to the latest version from your admin interface.

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