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DeskPRO Build #406 Released - Noticias / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

jun 9 2015

DeskPRO Build #406 Released

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We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #406.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • NEW New trigger criteria for testing for bounced emails or automated emails (based on DeskPRO's detection algorithms)
  • FIX Agent: Editing custom fields might save choice fields even if the field isn't enabled on a layout (only if the choice field is set to required)
  • FIX CSV user import errors in some cases when attempting to save blank custom field value
  • FIX The 'minute' option on default SLA hours was not being saved properly
  • FIX SLA working days option may be invalid if Sunday or Monday are selected due to difference in storage format
  • FIX Bounced emails from mailer daemons would result in the mailer being added as a user CC to the ticket
  • FIX Agent: Edit link from newly added billing/timelog rows
  • FIX Admin: Pre-defined icons for teams/departments did not work
  • FIX Agent: Change user action needed merge permissions. It now uses the "change user owner/ccs" permission.

This update has been rolled out to all Cloud customers.

If you are using DeskPRO On-Premise, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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