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Why do all users seem to have the same IP address? - Base de conocimiento / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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Why do all users seem to have the same IP address?

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All users accessing the helpdesk seem to come from the same IP address. For example, when we click on the chat button or look at the ticket log, most of the IPs listed are the same. What's going on?


This can happen if your Deskpro On-Premise installation is behind a proxy server or a CDN like CloudFlare. The IP being reported belongs to an intermediate server, not the user who made the request.

To fix this problem, see this article: Configuring Deskpro to work with proxy servers

The CloudFlare mod_cloudflare extension for Apache only changes the IPs in Apache logs, not the IPs reported to PHP, so it will not fix this problem.

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