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Where will my data be hosted? - Base de conocimiento / Sales, Billing & Consultancy / Security & Data - Deskpro Support

Where will my data be hosted?

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I'm interested in your Cloud service, but my tickets can contain sensitive information. Where geographically will you host my data?


You can choose where your data is hosted between the US, EU, and UK. By default, data is hosted in our primary US data center. So if there are regulatory reasons why your helpdesk must be hosted in a specific country or region, we can arrange for all your data to be kept on Cloud servers in the right place.

Additionally, Deskpro Enterprise customers can choose between the 31 AWS data center locations for their data.

Contact if you need to discuss your requirements.

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Comentarios (2)

Michael S
Where is the data currently hosted? UK?
Ben Henley
By default, data is hosted in the US. We can offer hosting in the EU if required.

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