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How do I set up Deskpro to have two teams of agents who can't see each other's tickets? - Base de conocimiento / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: How can I have two teams of Agents who can't see each other's tickets?

How do I set up Deskpro to have two teams of agents who can't see each other's tickets?

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The best way to implement this is using departments (combined with agent permission groups) rather than teams.

Say you have Agent Group A and Agent Group B, and neither group should be able to see the other's tickets. You would create Department A and Department B, give Group A permission to view Department A only, and give Group B permission to view Department B only.

You could then use triggers or manual assignment by another agent to send tickets to the right departments. See Limiting agent access to tickets by department for more details.

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