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Deskpro Pricing

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The most up-to-date details regarding Deskpro pricing can be found on the pricing page.

Pricing is available in USD, GBP, and EUR - based on your billing country.

There are three plans available with Deskpro; Team, Professional, and Enterprise.

Licenses are charged per agent seat (Agents are staff within your organization who answer tickets to help your customers or end-users), with no limits on the number of users or tickets, etc.

Pricing starts from US$29/agent/month (paid annually) on Deskpro Cloud and On-Premise.

Contact us if you have any questions about pricing.

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Comentarios (2)

I am trying to find out what currency the $30 is, I know you are UK based, so it is UK, most people use $US as a standard, I am in Australia so is it $US, the simplest thing is missed
Ben Henley
Hi Laurie, sorry that we didn't clarify this. The pricing is in US dollars. I have edited the article to make this clear.

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