We are excited to release a new version of DeskPRO which has a number of new features, bug fixes and improvements.
- Custom text fields have a new option to auto-linkify links when rendering values
- [Agent] "View message in a new window" was broken for some customers
- [Agent] Organization browser did not order by name
- [Reports] Reports with Organization data do not export to CSV properly
- [Reports] Custom date/time fields do not export to CSV properly
- [Admin] Server Incidents browser was broken
- [System] ElasticSearch: Search queries including the word 'and' would not return expected results
- [Agent] Message "forward" did not work for some customers
- [API/iOS] Filters from all agents would appear (though you would still only see what you had permission to see)
- [Agent] Edge-case where opening a ticket could cause an error (to do with invalid blobs)
- [Email] Inline images with no file extension will have it added base on mimetype
- [Website Widget] Some combination of options would cause the widget to malfunction
- [iOS/API] Customers using Apache web servers might have issues using the iOS app or the API due to Authorizatin header not being passed through.
- [Agent] Fixes to handling of ticket layouts and organization fields
- [Admin] Could not edit API key tags
- [System] Fixes to legacy upgrade procedure from v4/443.
- A patch build ( was updated on Friday April 28 to address a problem to do with upgrading affecting some customers.