We are pleased to announce the release of Deskpro version 2020.0. This includes new feature additions, as well as performance and security improvements to your helpdesk.
- CH-4384 Add 'Ticket Language' as a criteria option for automatons (e.g. Triggers and Escalations)
- CH-7601 Improve in-product helpdesk importers to retain legacy ticket/chat ID's in a custom field
- CH-8858 Add setting to limit portal registration/login to specific domains
- CH-8921 New variable argument to render custom field in email template only if populated
- CH-9438 (API) Add the ability to run mass ticket actions by date
- CH-9881 (API) Mass actions - improved to delete persons and organisations
- CH-8635 (On-premise) bin/console command to globally force users/agents to reset their password
Bug Fixes:
- CH-2487 When creating new guide topics in multibrand, only the default parent topics appear in the dropdown
- CH-2966 The custom filters configuration popup appears blank when originally opening
- CH-3128 Misaligned "Arrow" is displaying under "Translation" tab on "Knowledgebase" page
- CH-3164 Link to Old Report Interface in Admin Dashboard now removed
- CH-3215 Zendesk importer will not start with incorrect date format
- CH-3240 Ticket automatically opens again in 2-3 seconds when user immediately close the ticket while opening
- CH-4246 'All' News Subscription Ignoring Multibrands
- CH-4409 Attachments sent from ticket in second brand have URL for default brand
- CH-4853 After adding multiple custom dashboards in the Reports interface, it isn't possible to scroll through the list
- CH-5295 Displaying incorrect "Department" when user select another "Brand" after opens a second new ticket
- CH-6037 Chat widget ticket deflection behaviour improved
- CH-6107 Cookie dpsid-portal is not set as secure and fails PCI Compliance
- CH-6257 Pending tickets aren't accessible after resetting the search index
- CH-6364 Unable to save IP address in CIDR format with '/' in Shareable Links in reports.
- CH-6366 After adding a new stat, a 'This value should not be blank' message appears instead of the stat results
- CH-6830 Agent interface search box incorrectly appearing as a 'required field'
- CH-7331 Display all agent teams in voice queue settings
- CH-7406 Japanese characters not rendered properly in file names
- CH-7419 Voice Billing Summary only lists calls, phone number rental charges not included
- CH-7430 Voice call surcharge not being applied
- CH-7584 Bug in TicketSearch.php causing flood of error messages "Error: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable"
- CH-7589 Jira V1 app improved to function with sub directories
- CH-7647 Email handler to correctly set `Message-ID` and `Return-Path` headers
- CH-7687 General improvements to outbound calls
- CH-7789 Cannot View or Edit Existing Knowledge base Custom Fields
- CH-7809 Ticket forwarding is not working when Deskpro in sub-directory
- CH-8453 Certain outgoing email logs showing as pending when email has been sent
- CH-8474 Multiple redirects after login attempt when Deskpro installed in a sub-directory
- CH-8494 New Ticket Form will not show field reliant on hidden user field
- CH-8604 Password policy requirements do not apply properly on agent side reset
- CH-8673 Voice Incoming Call Window drop down not scroll-able
- CH-8803 URL bugs caused if default brand has id > '1'
- CH-8831 Inline ticket satisfaction survey link does not respect multibrand URL
- CH-8847 Certain special characters result in empty file names in attachments
- CH-8965 Forward as a new linked ticket does not respect 'From'email settings
- CH-9011 Error log flooding with arbitrary Error: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given
- CH-9158 Improve API permission enforcement to certain endpoints
- CH-9275 Cannot access or edit guides through agent interface when Deskpro installed in sub-directory
- CH-9344 Zendesk importer only brings in first 100 organisations
- CH-9395 Bug causing certain Ticket messages disappearing in agent interface
- CH-9478 AD sync repeatedly removes manager role for existing users
- CH-9494 Emails stuck in 'processing' should not block the rest of the incoming mail
- CH-9581 Brands URL slug redirects to main brand
- CH-9686 Ticket reply assignment behaviour isn't respected in certain scenarios
- CH-9748 Typo in email template which generates "Ticket Notification" agent email
- CH-9789 API mass_actions - delete can't handle tickets with missing fields
- CH-9972 Download URL incorrectly still functions after the actual download article object has been deleted
- CH-9992 Error 500 while starting a Zendesk Import
- CH-10045 Legacy chat widget does not show body (blank) unless you resize the window
- CH-10163 Pagination in community status filters is broken affecting scrolling in agent interface
24th March 2020 - 2020.0.1
- CH-10728 Unable to edit the 'Enabled' setting selection for the 'Everyone' usergroup
- CH-10715 "An error occurred" message displays when users without an organization log in to portal